Cryo Freeze

Cryolipolysis – Fat freezing
What is Sculpting?

Cryo Sculpting is a safe, quite painless, non-surgical treatment that removes localised  body fat in a selective manner. The operating mechanism is based on the selective sensitivity of fat cells (adipocytes) during controlled freezing which causes controlled cell death (apoptosis) of these fat cells.

The freezing cycle of a skin fold takes 25-30 minutes. The number of treatments is not limited and if required, the procedure can be repeated with a minimum interval of 30-45 days until the desired result is obtained. 

The expected results after a treatment

From a treatment of four skin areas on the stomach (abdomen) and the waist ‘(love handles’), you can expect a circumference reduction of 2 to 7 cm and average 25 – 30% fat loss on the treated area.

The result of a cryo treatment develops slowly over the course of one to two months. The first noticeable improvements are apparent after approximately two to three weeks.