Why we need Mud Pot Drinking Water?

Mud pot drinking water benefits…

Our Main source of energy is Air, Water and Food. Nowadays all are polluted…
1.Air pollution
2.Water Pollution
3.Food Adultery

Every one know the principle of 5 elements
Land, Air, Water, Fire and Atmosphere. These all are linked with every living creature.

1.Air – General we advice our clients to wake at 6.0 AM and ask them to do some breathing exercise, Yoga and Meditation etc. because we can get early morning fresh air.

2.Mud pot – is a ancient discovery, it’s a miracle water storage. Today we can’t able to get fresh water anywhere and there is no solution for it, our only option is RO unit or RO can water. While filtering through RO we lost almost all the minerals.

The alternate option is MUD POT, Buy a mud pot and keep water for 2 days in it. You will get minerals enrich water. It has lot benefits. (Google it).

3.General we suggest fruits and vegetables in diet, the reason is to get more vitamins, Fibers and to avoid certain extent of adultery food.

Use MUD pot water for drinking and Live a Healthy Life.

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